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Lure Review

Hot West Coast swimbait with a patented easy to rig system... the Megabait L.A. Slider  (continued)

Retrieving: The action of a swimbait is very important when it comes down to attracting and  catching a fish. We find the MegaBait LA Slider's tail produces great side to side "kicks" when retrieved. When you hold the lure up in the air, the tail whips around freely, more than many of the past swimbaits we've experienced, including the MegaBait Charlie and Chubby Shad. We fished the LA Slider near the surface for actively feeding fish and also near the bottom combing for halibut in the San Francisco Bay. No matter at what speed the lure is retrieved you're sure to receive superior tail action from this soft swimbait that results in catching more fish. In addition the lure has a excellent sinking rate, and when swam back the lure always ran true.


After inserting the jig head into the swimbait body, the eyelet comes out near the head

 The overall durability of the MegaBait lure is very similar to other well built swimbaits. But there's a great advantage when you compare the LA Slider to other soft body swimbaits. That's because each time you change jig head weights you don't have to thread the hook through the body each and every time. With the "Quick Change" system you won't have to ever damage the swimbait body with the sharp hook.


This swimbait will catch you many quality saltwater and freshwater fish such as this 11 pound largemouth bass


We did notice one thing that requires a bit of improvement and they are the eyes. They are painted on a soft plastic body and did start to come off after catching a few fish on them. But to give you an example of how much beating the MegaBait LA Slider can take we caught bass, stripers, halibut, and an accidental off-season lingcod that was released unharmed with our test units. The lingcod's jagged set of teeth cut the swimbait, just like any other soft-body lure would take damage from this beast. Stripers are known to hit with aggression and then immediately turn, and a poorly made swimbait could easily rip apart. We didn't have any durability issues with this fish at all when fishing the LA Slider. Also, have you ever taken a halibut out of the water? Once the head is out of the water these flat fish thrash like mad. They flop around extremely hard and have known to damage gear that's laying around on deck when the fish is landed. Needless to stay the Slider survived a long series of head butting with little or no bruises to show for the encounter.


MegaBait L.A. Slider Ratings (?/10)

Construction/Quality The overall construction and quality is excellent. The only gripe is with the eyes. The innovative jig head rigging system doesn't damage the soft plastic body at all 9
Performance The lure performs well with good tail kicking action when retrieved at any speed. The lure runs true and effective at catching many species of fish 9.5
Price You have to really compare this swimbait with the others that can interchange jig heads, and the price of this lure is pretty decent 8
Features The LA Slider features a unique "Quick Change" jig head rigging system that's very useful. The lure's body also features fins and lines for a more realistic appearance 8.5
Design (Ergonomics) The lure allows you to easily and quickly change its weight. The swimbait has good weight to it but doesn't require a broomstick to toss like other swimbaits 9
Application Fish this swimbait in freshwater or saltwater to target your favorite game fish. The patterns available is good for targeting tuna, stripers, halibut, bass, cod, rockfish, and much more 9.5

Total Score


Pluses and Minuses:

                 Plus                                    Minus

J Quick and easy system to change jig heads L Eyes need to be made more durable
J Changing jig heads will not damage the lure's body L Must cut and retie line if changing jig heads
J Effective swimbait on multiple species  
J Great kicking action  

Conclusion: The big West coast craze for swimbaits has brought many variations of swimbaits to market. The MegaBait L.A. Slider is one of the new generation swimbaits and has many characteristics of other soft plastic swimbaits but with the added easy rigging feature that we are especially fond of. The LA Slider swimbait's patented system called "Quick Change" allows an angler to quickly and easily change jig heads without damaging the plastic body and the hook always comes through the top in the proper position. This system eliminates the time wasted fumbling with the traditional style swimbaits, getting you on fish as speedily as possible. In addition the swimbait body delivers first-class action and durability. Sure to be a fan favorite this lure only adds to the craze that is swimbait mania.


Special Offer!!!  ExtremeLures.com is giving registered TackleTour members a 10% discount on the MegaBait LA Sliders.  Click here for detailed information on how to take advantage of this offer.  If you're not registered, click here to register first. It's FREE!











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