Power: The BRSC-64L is every bit the light powered rod is rated to be and with that comes the fun factor in battling just about any sized fish you catch. Trout are especially fun on this stick as they run, jump, and spin like mad when hooked. Important to note is though, once your catch works its way past the soft tip of the 64L, the backbone sets up relatively quickly and is surprisingly strong for a light powered rod.
...especially when spooled with Sunline's Machine Gun Cast line!
The BRSC-70MG is the polar opposite of its lighter powered sibling in that it has power to spare. Though the RoD curves of these two sticks meet up at the higher load ranges, once again, we are seeing the difference between how graphite and fiberglass tests out on the lab versus how they actually behave out on the water.
The BRSC-70MG comes with a conventional, guides on top wrap.